How To Refresh Your Life

A fresh start should not only be reserved for new year’s resolutions. It can also be at the beginning of a season, the end of a month, or the middle of a week. We all blossom at our own pace, so why not refresh on our own schedule? If you are feeling stuck, bored, or just going with the motions of your daily routine, it is probably time to consider refreshing your life. Here are some tips to get started.

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Make a list of topics you want to learn about. Learning something new or mastering a craft helps you exercise different parts of your brain and body that might have been dormant for a while. I am always picking up knowledge or skills, from history to technology to food to style. Sometimes, I will admit, it feels random. When will any of this be relevant? That is not the point. You should do this for you. For pure joy. Explore some videos and blogs on the subject, then pick up some books to dig deeper. Make it a project to pick up a new skill that you enjoy. This will help you use your extra time productively instead of dwelling on being bored or feeling stuck.

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Eat for your health instead of your hunger. As trendy as healthy eating is now, it still takes a proactive effort to maintain wholesome eating habits. Not only do you have to plan meals, you also have to pay attention to ingredients and packaging. As we all know, most advertising bends the truth. To stay motivated, clarify your eating priorities. Do you know what your body needs to be healthy? or are you just hungry for a certain figure? or are you just hungry? My relationship with food has gone through some changes as I have tried to balance my health, which has all been a learning experience. Food should always make you feel good. Explore new recipes. Visit your local farmers market. Host picnics or dinners with your friends and family. If you understand how to use it, food can heal more than you know.

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Grow stronger in faith. Feeling stuck usually has something to do with our connection with faith. Whether you are religious, spiritual, or a hybrid, being aligned with believing in something bigger than yourself can really support your life. It can provide guidance, clarity, and community. Meditation and affirmations are a great way to find balance and clarity at your own pace. At the moment, I am searching for podcasts to enhance my affirmations and faith. There are so many resources out there for every belief. This is not something you can be passive with. Take time to breath and pay attention to what you are drawn to.

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Bring closure to the past. I know I have mentioned this before, which is why it is so important. Holding on to the past will always make you feel stuck. It will block you from seeing how far you have come and all the opportunities ahead. Instead of suppressing past hurts or mistakes, reflect on what is bothering you and bring closure to it. Journal about it. Talk to someone about it. Then let it go. I mean really let it go. You need to make room for your blessing. Do not allow your past to hold you hostage.

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How are you refreshing your life? What would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments below.

Also, remember to connect with me on Twitter and Instagram. I would love to hear from you.

Wearing: The Wrap Life head wrap; New York & Company leather jacket; H&M dress; Modern Vintage sneakers

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